
Virtually Amazing. Convenient for Everyone.

With both live elements and prerecord content, no matter when you visit, there’s always something new to explore and learn.

Detailed schedule coming soon!

Constant Content

The Different Choices 2021 Transitions Fair opens on the morning of Oct. 26.

At that time, you will be able to sign in and access our virtual exhibitor booths, prerecorded content and much more. You can explore the fair online anytime day or night through Oct. 30.

After that, we’ll publish a directory of exhibitors on our website with links for more information.

PLEASE NOTE: You will have to register in advance and sign in to access the fair. Registration is free!

Live And In Person

Different Choices 2021 also includes a unique program of live presentations and interactive workshops. Live sessions and workshops will be available every day of the Fair. 

Live presentations are free and will include panels of college admissions experts, mental health and learning disabilities professionals who work with students, workforce development leaders, authors, researchers, and parents and students who will share their stories. 

Bring your questions as there will be time for conversation and one-on-one!

Our small-groups workshops will also be lead by skilled experts. They’ll share great advice and help participants gain new skills. Spaces in workshops will be limited to allow for lots of interaction, and there will be a small fee.

Registered attendees will be able to book seats in our workshops on a first-come, first-serve basis. Be sure to sign up for our email to get notices when new workshops come on line. 

Detailed schedule coming soon!

Explore the Program

Brick exterior of a college campus

College Showcase

Admissions officers from different colleges will be available to answer your questions, share information, and talk about their support for students with disabilities. Colleges will also be hosting their own online presentations.

A construction apprentice wearing a hard hat.

Voc/Tech Opportunity Expo

Many careers that exist today will be transformed in the next 5 years. Meet representatives from a diverse group of training programs and professions to discover how you can be prepared for a future in a new economy.

A group of presenters in front of an audience

Special Presentations

You will be able to check out an exciting line-up of inspiring speakers – from honest conversations with current students about their own transitions to advice for families to insights into the college admissions process and support accommodations. (All are fee to registered attendees.)

An incompleet college application and open on a wooden desk

Small-Group Workshops

From creating your resume to writing your college application to filling out financial aid forms, these small-group workshops offer practical advice and lots of time for questions. What you learn will empower you to take the next steps with confidence. (Some workshops may have a small fee, waivers available.)